Monday, September 14, 2009

That's in Canada!

Hey people.

I discovered the most....magical musical ever! Its called "A Very Potter MUsical." Check it out on YouTube. Right now. Go! I swear it's very very very very very very very very very very very very very very funny and well written and...good. Its very creative.

"You're cuter than a guinea pig
I'll take you up yo Winnipeg
Thats in Canada!"

Speaking of Harry POtter, my Imprint podcast people, (which is actually Twilight) are going on a 10 stop tour next summer. Which I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyy wanted to see. Guess where they;re not going? Philadelphia. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am upset! Maybe I'll see thwm in New York. By the way, these are the pople no one listens to besides me and 4 other people. THANK YOU OTHER PEOPLE!

Anyway, speaking of Philly, The Phillies won last night. Pedro pitched and so did Kendrik. (It was a double header). They BOTH won. I wrote about the first win in my previous blog. Anyway, guess who knocked in THE ONLY RUN in thw whole game when Pedro pitched?
Chase Utely.

They're not playing right now. Nooooo.

Ok, so that's it pretty much. Ok, I'm gonna go watch A Very Potter Musical, so cya!

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